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Analýza bezpečnosti webových stránok operačných programov
(Reakcia na vyjadrenia ministra Štefanova)

Author: Ondrej Jombík | Section: Tlačové správy | Date: 2009-11-02

Dňa 30.11.2009 prezentoval Konzervatívny inštitút na tlačovej konferencii nehorázne obstarávacie ceny webstránok operačných programov. Zo včerajšieho vyjadrenia pána ministra Štefanova, ktorým sa snažil obhájiť opodstatnenosť vynaložených financií vyplýva, že uvedené webstránky boli drahé najmä kvôli svojmu zabezpečeniu.

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predmet prispevku

Author: vajcak | Homepage: | Date: 2009-12-02 20:35

v zivote som o vas nepocul pan odbornik. vela exibicionizmu skodi. venujte sa radsej politike alebo serioznej praci. man-in-the-middle attack moze byt pouzity na lubovolnej stranke samozrejme s roznou narocnostou. XSS sa vyskytuje takmer u vsetkych beznych CMS vratane opensource. samozrejme, ze sa nedaju najst za minutku.
pekny den


trosku pokoja....

Author: Lza | Date: 2009-12-02 22:25

ak chcete kritizovat tak by ste to mali robit trosku v medziach slusnosti. ani o vas nikto nic nepocul, tiez ma zaraza ze odporucate p.Jombikovi sa venovat serioznej praci, rad by som poznal vas pohlad na serioznu pracu resp. ci vobec viete comu sa p.Jombik venuje.

neda mi nespomenut, ze dana zranitelnost nema s utokom typu mitm nic spolocne a mitm sa uz vobec neda pouzit na "lubovolnej stranke". xss v ziadnom pripade nemozete generalizovat na mitm, existuje samozrejme sposob ako xss vyuzit na typ mitm, ale ten ma na mile daleko od xss typu na spominanych strankach. tiez nie je pravda, ze vacsina CMS trpi touto formou zranitelnosti, poznam velmi vela systemov ktore to maju osetrene, a veruze sa xss zranitelnost da odhalit za minutku...aj rychlejsie.

clanok sa mi zda v poriadku, nie je prehnany, poukazuje na realne nedostaky v aplikacii, aj ked dana xss zranitelnost sa mohla popisat odbornejsie...ale ako vravim, nie to bola podstata clanku


analyza ...

Author: Lukas | Date: 2009-12-03 00:09

Uroven popisu chyb je nizka, ale je to z dovodu, ze tie chyby su tak trivialne, ze nic zlozitejsie netreba :)

Celkom sa cudujem, ze to nezabezpecili proti tymto utokom hned ako zistili, ze sa to bude medializovat. Ved muselo byt jasne, ze v tom momente sa tam niekto nabura. Pravdepodobne vobec netusili, co je XSS :)

Btw. tu analyzu by mohol skusit niekto spravi teraz po zakladnom osetreni pravdepodobne stiahnutom z prveho google odkazu :) Vysledok by bol asi podobny, akurat by trvalo o 7 minut dlhsie najst chybu. Rozsiahle CMS musi byt programovane so zasadami bezpecnosti, nestaci narychlo osetrit jeden search formular ...

Ad XSS a script-kidie -> tento utok je tak neskutocne preflaknuty, ze ano. script kiddie ho zvladne. Bez problemov. na XSS attack example vypluvne google tolko odkazov, ze to zvladne aj moj stary otec ...

Ad Man In The Middle -> clovece, to ze si nieco precitas na v sekcii pocitace neznamena, ze tomu rozumies. Prosim,napis ako zautics pomocou man in the middle na
Uz ta adresa je hint, musi tam byt https, aby sa o tom dalo zacat hovorit ;)


... analyza ...

Author: Plavec | Date: 2009-12-03 01:43

Ked uz sa tu niekto hra na bezpectnostneho analytika, tak by mal tak aj prezentovat informacie!

Pokial opisujem nejaky utok, tak napisem aj ako bol tento utok vykonany. Ten screenshot mozno vyzera pekne ale nema ziadnu vypovednu hodnotu. Preco tam napriklad nie je zachytena url adresa?

Ten XSS utok ktory bol vykonany bol typu non-persistent, to znamena, ze na to aby sme mohli vidiet jeho vysledok, musime poznat specialne upravenu URL adresa. Cize neda sa to docielit beznou navigaciou na sranke.

Podstata spocivala v tom, ze na stranke po uskutocneni vyhladavania, sa v url adrese nahradil hladany text "zakernym" html kodom:
"'<h1>TUNEL?</H1><img src=" =650&y=487">
ktory sposobil, ze na mieste vypisania hladaneho vyrazu sa ukazal obrazok tunela.

K ziadnym trvalym zmenam nedoslo, "tunel" bol pristupny iba na upravenej url adrese. Do stranky sa v skutocnosti nic neulozilo, len to co si tam sam navstenik doniesol so sebou.

PS: Tento clanok povazujem za pamflet, ziadna analyza bezpecnosti sa nekonala ...


RE: ... analyza ...

Author: Igor Mino | Homepage: | Date: 2009-12-03 02:48

> Pokial opisujem nejaky utok, tak napisem aj ako
> bol tento utok vykonany. Ten screenshot mozno
> vyzera pekne ale nema ziadnu vypovednu hodnotu.
> Preco tam napriklad nie je zachytena url adresa?

Pan Plavec, poprosim vas precitat si samotny clanok este *pred* jeho kritizovanim. Tu su zverejnene spominane URL:



RE: ... analyza ...

Author: Plavec | Date: 2009-12-03 15:18


RE: ... analyza ...

Author: | Date: 2009-12-03 17:11


RE: ... analyza ...

Author: Lza | Date: 2009-12-03 10:31

Prosim vas uvedomte si, ze sa jednalo o POC a nie o dokazovanie, co sa vdaka zranitelnosti da vykonat. Vdaka spominanej chybe sa daju vykonat zakerne utoky voci uzivatelom systemu, zialbohu zavaznost xss zranitelnosti sa podcenuje prave kvoli neznalosti problematiky do hlbky


RE: ... analyza ...

Author: Plavec | Date: 2009-12-03 14:32

Ked to bolo POC, tak preco bolo v nadpise "analyza bezpecnosti", POC a analyza maju od seba na mile daleko.
Clanok "predava" produkt, ktory je zabaleny do obalu drahej znacky, ale ked to rozbalite, tak zistite, ze je to len prebal nejakeho lacneho vyrobku ktory nejde na odbyt.
Netreba ziadne dokazovanie zranitelnosti, stacilo len pomenovat co sa stalo a nazorne, slovne vysvetlit postup/princip.
Autor preukazal znalosti prekladu wikipedie, tak ked uz prekladal, tak mohol strucne vymenovat typy XSS utokov a predmetny utak zaradit do tejto klasifikacie.

Analyza bezpecnosti nie je bulvar ...


RE: ... analyza ...

Author: Lza | Date: 2009-12-03 17:40

pozrite, POC je priklad konkretnej zranitelnosti, cize od analyzy nema na mile daleko a v tomto priklade zvoleny POC bol spravny, nemozete predsa chciet aby ako POC bol pouzity napriklad remote script, ktory by harvestoval cookies atd. tou druhou vetou nerozumiem co ste chceli povedat. Myslim, ze pre siroku verejnost je dana zranitelnost vysvetlena dostatocne, nejake hlbkove definicie by boli zbytocne, pretoze by tomu nikto nerozumel. tiez si myslim, ze klasifikacie by boli zbytocne, mohli by posobit matuco. chapem aj vas postoj, ale niekedy je menej viac :)


Jombo na hrad !!

Author: P | Date: 2009-12-19 21:53

Jombo na hrad !!


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Renting a car in an unknown place can be a difficult and intimidating undertaking. The process can be stressful, from seeking trusted suppliers to understanding complicated terms and conditions. This is where Laxmi Tour & Travels shines, as they've made it their job to make car rent in Bikaner as simple as possible.

Travelers will like their user-friendly online booking platform. Customers may easily explore the available options and select the car that best meets their needs thanks to a simple interface. The technology provides real-time car availability information, ensuring that customers have access to the most up-to-date information. This functionality is especially useful in a fast-paced travel environment when plans may shift in an instant.

Convenience at Your Fingertips

The ease provided by Laxmi Tour & Travels' car rental service is one of its distinguishing advantages. Travelers may now book their favorite cars from the comfort of their own homes, thanks to the power of the internet. Customers can plan trips with their ease because the online booking system is available 24/7. Laxmi Tour & Travels accommodates your schedule, whether you're an early bird or a night owl.

The online booking platform is particularly useful for individuals who are planning sudden vacations. Consider taking a last-minute journey to see the stunning architecture of Junagarh Fort or to experience the colorful atmosphere of the Old City Market. Making these unexpected plans a reality is as simple as a few clicks on Laxmi Tour & Travels' user-friendly website.

Diverse Fleet to Suit Your Needs

Laxmi Tour & Travels knows that each traveler's expectations are unique. They provide a wide range of vehicle alternatives to accommodate this variance. Whether you're traveling alone, with a spouse, or with a group, you can discover the ideal vehicle to meet your needs. Their inventory includes everything from small cars for city exploration to big SUVs for family adventures.

Additionally, Laxmi Tour & Travels takes care of keeping their vehicles in top condition. Their service is non-negotiable in terms of cleanliness, safety, and comfort. When you rent a car from Laxmi Tour & Travels, you can be confident that you'll be traveling to Bikaner in a trustworthy and well-maintained vehicle.

Customer-Centric Approach

What defines Laxmi Tour & Travels is its continuous dedication to customer satisfaction. They offer a personalized service that responds to individual wants and preferences in addition to offering vehicles. Their specialized customer support team is accessible to answer any questions or resolve any problems, ensuring that consumers are valued and supported throughout their experience.

Don't just take our word for it; testimonials and reviews from happy clients say volumes about the level of service provided by Laxmi Tour & Travels. Travelers from all walks of life were pleased with their professionalism, transparency, and genuine concern for the well-being of their customers.
Transparent Pricing and Terms

Additional fees and complex terms can be found in the often-confusing world of car rental. Laxmi Tour & Travels breaks the norm by being honest about pricing and terms. What you see is what you receive - there are no surprises or hidden fees. Customers gain trust and confidence as a result of this transparency, knowing that they are making an informed decision without any fine print tricks.

Explore Bikaner with Confidence

With a dependable vehicle from Laxmi Tour & Travels, you can confidently explore Bikaner's rich texture. Wander around the Old City's bustling streets, absorbing the vibrant vibe of this exciting cultural center. Visit the magnificent Junagarh Fort, a tribute to the architectural magnificence of the city. Wander through the maze-like lanes of the marketplaces, savoring Rajasthan's flavors and colors.
Your Bikaner exploration takes on a new level of convenience and freedom when you travel with Laxmi Tour & Travels. You are no longer bound by fixed timetables or limited transit alternatives, so you may explore Bikaner whenever and however you like.


In a world where travel has become an essential part of our lives, having a trustworthy travel companion may elevate your journey from ordinary to spectacular. With their aim to make car rent in Bikaner simple and convenient, Laxmi Tour & Travels provides an interface to marvelous experiences in Bikaner. Their user-friendly online booking platform, broad fleet, and customer-focused approach demonstrate their commitment to quality. So, whether you're planning a family holiday, a single excursion, or a romantic retreat, Laxmi Tour & Travels is ready to be your dependable guide on Bikaner's roads.

Our other services-

Taxi Booking service in Bikaner##
Outstation taxi service in Bikaner##
One way taxi services in Bikaner##
Round trip taxi services in Bikaner##
Bikaner Local Sightseeing Taxi Services##

For more read our other blogs:-



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