dnl $Log: configure.in,v $ dnl Revision 1.2 2001/09/21 19:40:13 host8 dnl Added $Log$ keyword substitution dnl dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT(src/main.c) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(ep, 1.0.1nosig) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) dnl Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_AWK AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_LN_S AC_PROG_MAKE_SET dnl Checks for library functions. AC_PROG_GCC_TRADITIONAL AC_TYPE_SIGNAL AC_FUNC_VPRINTF AC_HAVE_FUNCS(select strstr) dnl Checks for libraries. dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lncurses: dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(ncurses, main) dnl Checks for header files. AC_HEADER_STDC AC_HEADER_SYS_WAIT AC_CHECK_HEADERS(malloc.h sys/time.h unistd.h) dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_C_CONST dnl Checks for library functions. AC_CHECK_FUNCS(select strstr) AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile)