phpWebLogAnalyzer TODO list --------------------------- - replace every SQL substring() with PHP substr(); it could increases (not only) network performance * property manipulation methods (get/set value, get array) - possible bug: SQL clausule substring() called on non-string types - possible bug: calling getSessionCount() without registerAccess() - solution: check if was $_props array already processes and if not, than process that array before doing getSessionCount() job - create utility for converting data from weblog_core_accesses table to weblog_accesses table - a good idea could by to convert only closed sessions to avoid some type of desynchronization with having two IDs for one session * add support for weblog_core_accesses table; creating entry for weblog_accesses is very difficult for CPU and SQL server - table is called weblog_accesses_raw - source formating PEAR compliancy * class style PEAR compliancy - PEAR compliant error handling - ident stuff: move index column and table name from *_username to *_user - think about possible table joins: weblog_ident_usernames w/ weblog_remote_idents weblog_http_hosts w/ weblog_remote_hosts (what if HTTP_HOST is IP address?) * session_id column - Perl API functions for register hits - web interface (frontend) for analyzing and manipulating with statistics - why this doesn't work? $xx = 'HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_NAME"]'; echo $$xx;