)* :== :: || :: :== * $user_file :== ()* :== :: Database specification: See "sql/" files. Input parameters: $pagesize - # of messages per page $page - #th page $autorefresh - refresh time (secs) // $admin - user/message mantainance $style - message view style (0 = board, 1 = chat) $time - message time index $nick - user nickname $pass - password $message - text of the posted message $header - shows only header $body - show only body $bodyframe - target body frame $headerframe - targer header frame $disablepart - Wont show some parts of the whole document (0 - none, 1 - body, 2 - head, 3 - both) $setframes - 1 - create 0 - disable frames (?? :)) $frameset - are the frames set? :) $setframes - do we want to create framewires? $createuser - (internal) $deleteok - (internal) $newnick - (internal) $archive - archive file prefix $archive_no - index of archived file $submit_type - submit button type $reply_to - index of message you want to reply (inserts quoted message) CHANGE LOG: * 5.2 - added "reply" link * 5.1 - updated SQL queries - sprtinf()-ed and quote()-ed all SQL queries - some bug fixes * 5.0 - DB implementation finished (hopefully) - now allowing some html tags (specified by (array) $allowed_tags) - no more dependent on external ! :) we do the dirty work ourself (try setting the setframes=1 GET parameter) * 4.4.2 - 3/4 implementation DB done * 4.4 - DB/PEAR drafts - sources moved to CVS * 4.3 - starting MySQL DB implementation * 4.2 - started documentation - removed autosubmit on nick change - changed default autorefresh to 5 mins *FIX* now rawurldecoding username (previously rawurlencoded) * 4.1 - undocumented :) */ // IMPORTANT CONSTANTS (change if needed) $WB_version = "5.2"; $WB_name = "Wol's Message Board"; $strip_slashes = 0; $DEFAULT_HEAD_FRAME = ""; $DEFAULT_BODY_FRAME = ""; $use_virtual_delete = 1; //use delete flagging instead of real delete $root_name = "root"; $root_md5_password = "896ae34257056a6edb7643e3db85bb21"; // Filesystem defaults $message_file = "board_messages.txt"; $user_file = "board_emails.txt"; $move_old_mesages = 1; $old_messages_folder = "history/"; $hist_file_prefix = "board_hist_file_"; // used in REGEXPs! alphabeticals only $max_msgs_in_one_file = 200; $min_msgs_in_board = 50; // Database defaults $use_db = 0; $db_message_table = "wolboard_messages"; $db_user_table = "wolboard_users"; //$db_host = "db.host.sk"; $db_host = "localhost"; $db_database = "syndrome"; $db_user = ""; $db_pass = ""; $allowed_tags = array( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "©" ); // FUNCTIONS function good($a) { return (isset($a) && ( (is_string($a) && ($a != "")) || (!is_string($a) && ($a != 0)) ) ); } // good($a) function link_replace($link, $paramname, $paramvalue) { $link = eregi_replace("&$", "", $link); $link = eregi_replace("&?$paramname=[^&]*", "", $link); if ($paramvalue) $link .= "&$paramname=$paramvalue"; return $link; } // link_replace($link, $paramname, $paramvalue) function show_array($a) { echo "\n"; $keys = array_keys($a); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($a); $i++) { echo "\n"; echo "\n\n\n"; } echo "
"; echo $keys[$i] . ""; if ((is_array($a[$keys[$i]])) && ($keys[$i] !== "GLOBALS")) { show_array($a[$keys[$i]]); } else { echo $a[$keys[$i]]; }; echo "
"; } // show_array($a) function array_copy($a, $i, $n = "x") { if (($n == "x") || ($n > (sizeof($a) - $i))) $n = sizeof($a) - $i; for($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++) { $ret[$j] = $a[$j + $i]; } return $ret; } // array_copy($a, $i, $n = "x") function array_chunk($a, $n) { if (!is_array($a)) return $a; $splits = sizeof($a) / $n; for($i = 0; $i < $splits; $i++) { $ret[$i] = array_copy($a, $i*$n, $n); } return $ret; } // array_chunk($a, $n) function w_chk($n, $v) { return ($v ? "$n=$v&" : ""); } // w_chk($n, $v) function create_link() { global $pagesize, $page, $autorefresh, $admin, $style, $time, $nick, $pass, $message, $createuser, $deleteok, $autorefresh, $disablepart, $frameset, $headframe, $bodyframe, $archive, $archive_no; return eregi_replace("&$", "", w_chk("nick", $nick) . w_chk("pagesize", $pagesize) . w_chk("page", $page) . // w_chk("time", $time) . // w_chk("pass", $pass) . // w_chk("message", $message) . // w_chk("deleteok", $deleteok) . // w_chk("createuser", $createuser) . // w_chk("newnick", $newnick) . w_chk("autorefresh", $autorefresh) . w_chk("style", $style) . w_chk("admin", $admin) . w_chk("disablepart", $disablepart) . w_chk("frameset", $frameset) . w_chk("headframe", $headframe) . w_chk("bodyframe", $bodyframe) . w_chk("archive", $archive) . w_chk("archive_no", $archive_no) ); } // create_link() function create_reply($msg_arr) { /* $msg_arr keys: time, name, message, email */ $quote_string = "> "; $ret = $msg_arr["name"] . " (" . format_time($msg_arr["time"]) . ")
\n$quote_string" . eregi_replace("\n", "\n$quote_string", $msg_arr["message"]) . "
"; return $ret; } // create_reply($msg_arr) function wait_read_lock($f, $max_wait = 9999) { $start = time(); while ((!flock($f, 1)) && ($start + $max_wait < time())) sleep(1); return ($start + $max_wait < time())? 1:0; } // wait_read_lock($f, $max_wait = 9999) function wait_write_lock($f, $max_wait = 9999) { $start = time(); while ((!flock($f, 2)) && ($start + $max_wait < time())) sleep(1); } // wait_write_lock($f, $max_wait = 9999) function release_lock($f) { flock($f, 3); return 1; } // release_lock($f) function show_options($optnames, $optvalues, $selected) { if (!is_array($optvalues)) return 0; $found = 0; $ret = ""; for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($optvalues); $i++) { $ret .= "query($sql); if (DB::isError($res)) return false; $i = 0; while ($tmp = $res->fetchRow()) { $ret[$i++] = $tmp["nick"]; } $res->free(); return $ret; } } // get_users($usr_file, $use_db = 0, $db_conn = 0) function format_time($time, $style = 0) { switch($style) { case 1: return date("H:i:s", $time); default: return date("H:i:s - d. M Y", $time); } } // format_time($time, $style = 0) function get_time($str) { return strtok(trim($str), ":"); } // get_time($str) function get_pass($str) { return rawurldecode(trim(strtr(strrchr($str, ":"), ":", " "))); } // get_pass($str) function get_email($str) { if (ereg("[^:]*:([^:]*):", $str, $regs)) return $regs[1]; else return ""; } // get_email($str) function write_mail($usr_file, $user, $mail = "", $pass = "", $use_db = 0, $db_conn) { $pass = md5(rawurlencode($pass)); if (!$use_db) { // Working with files $fp = fopen($usr_file, "a"); if (!wait_write_lock($fp)) return false; fwrite($fp, strtr($user, ":", ";") . ":" . strtr($mail, ":", ";") . ":" . $pass . "\n"); release_lock($fp); fclose($fp); return true; } else { // Working with DB if (!$db_conn) return false; $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (nick, email, pass) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", $usr_file, $db_conn->quote($user), $db_conn->quote($mail), $db_conn->quote($pass)); $res = $db_conn->query($sql); return !(DB::isError($res)); } } // write_mail($usr_file, $user, $mail = "", $pass = "", $use_db = 0, $db_conn) function change_mail($usr_file, $user, $newmail = "", $pass = "", $use_db = 0, $db_conn = 0) { function set_mail($usr_line, $newmail) { $ret = strtok($usr_line, ":"); strtok(":"); $ret .= $newmail . ":" . strtok(":"); return $ret; } if (!$use_db) { //check if valid data is sent //we dont want to run for now if (true)//!!!!!!!! return 0; // Using files $fp = fopen($usr_file, "w+"); wait_write_lock($fp); $tmp = files($usr_file); $i = 0; $found = false; while (($i < length($tmp)) && (!$found)) { $u = get_user($tmp[$i]); if ($u == $user) { $tmp[$i] = set_mail($tmp[$i], $newmail); $found = true; } $i++; } if ($found) { fwrite($fp, $u); release_lock($fp); fclose($fp); return 1; } else return 0; } else { // Using DB if (!$db_conn) return false; $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET mail = %s WHERE name = %s AND pass = %s", $usr_file, $db_conn->quote($newmail), $db_conn->quote($user), $db_conn->quote($pass)); $res = $db_conn->query($sql); return !(DB::isError($res)); } } function delete_mail($usr_file, $user = "", $mail = "", $pass = "", $use_db = 0, $db_conn = 0) { if (!$use_db) { //!!!! TODO // Use files return false; } else { // Use DB if (!$db_conn) return false; $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET mail = '' WHERE ". "name = %s AND pass = %s AND mail = %s", $usr_file, $db_conn->quote($user), $db_conn->quote($pass), $db_conn->quote($mail)); $res = $db_conn->query($sql); return !(DB::isError($res)); } } function get_emails($usr_file, $use_db = 0, $db_conn = 0) { if (!$use_db) { // Use files $fp = fopen($usr_file, "r"); wait_read_lock($fp); $f = file($usr_file); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($f); $i++) $ret[get_user($f[$i], 0)] = get_email($f[$i]); release_lock($fp); return $ret; } else { // Use DB if (!$db_conn) return false; $sql = sprintf("SELECT nick, email FROM %s", $usr_file); $res = $db_conn->query($sql); if (DB::isError($res)) return false; while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) { $rows[$row["nick"]] = $row["email"]; } $res->free(); return $rows; } } // get_emails($usr_file, $use_db = 0, $db_conn = 0) function read_messages($msg_file, $usr_file, $full = 0, $use_db = 0, $db_conn = 0) { if (!$use_db) { $mails = get_emails($usr_file, 0); $mfp = fopen($msg_file, "r"); wait_read_lock($mfp); $f = file($msg_file); $n = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($f); $i++) { if ($f[$i] != "") { if ((!$full) && ereg("[^:]*:[^:]*:\*", $f[$i], $regs)) continue; $ret[$n]["time"] = strtok($f[$i], ":"); $ret[$n]["name"] = rawurldecode(strtok(":")); $ret[$n]["message"] = trim(rawurldecode(strtok(":"))); $ret[$n]["email"] = $mails[$ret[$n]["name"]]; $n++; } } release_lock($mfp); return $ret; } else { // Use DB if (!$db_conn) return false; $sql = sprintf("SELECT author_id, created AS time, " . "text AS message FROM %s", $msg_file); if (!$full) $sql .= " WHERE flags = 0"; $res = $db_conn->query($sql); if (DB::isError($res)) return false; $j = 0; while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) { $authors[$row["author_id"]][] = $j; $t = $row["time"]; $row["time"] = mktime( $row["time"][8] . $row["time"][9], $row["time"][10] . $row["time"][11], $row["time"][12] . $row["time"][13], $row["time"][4] . $row["time"][5], $row["time"][6] . $row["time"][7], $row["time"][0] . $row["time"][1] . $row["time"][2] . $row["time"][3] ); $row["message"] = rawurldecode($row["message"]); $messages[$j++] = $row; } $res->free; $sql = sprintf("SELECT id, nick AS name, email FROM %s", $usr_file); if (is_array($authors)) { $sql .= " WHERE"; $ids = array_keys($authors); for ($i = 0;;) { $sql .= " id = '" . $db_conn->quote($ids[$i]) . "'"; if ($i < sizeof($ids)) break; if ((++$i) < sizeof($ids)) $sql .= " OR"; } } $res = $db_conn->query($sql); if (DB::isError($res)) return false; while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($authors[$row["id"]]); $i++) { $messages[$authors[$row["id"]][$i]]["name"] = rawurldecode($row["name"]); $messages[$authors[$row["id"]][$i]]["email"] = $row["email"]; } $res->free(); return $messages; } } function need_to_split($a, $max, $min) { if ((sizeof($a) - $max) <= $min) return false; else return true; } // need_to_split($a, $max, $min) function split_messages_to_more_files($msgs, $max_len, $min_len, $hist_dir, $hist_file_prefix = "board_hist_file_", $index_style = 0) { if (!need_to_split($msgs, $max_len, $min_len)) return $msgs; $full = array_chunk($msgs, $max_len); $d = opendir($hist_dir); $i = -1; $max_num = -1; // looking for previous save of maximum index (and count of saves) while (($file = readdir($d)) !== false) { if (ereg("^$hist_file_prefix([0-9]*)", $file, $regs)) { $i++; if ($max_num < $regs[1]) $max_num = $regs[1]; } } closedir($d); switch($index_style) { case "0": $new_index = $max_num + 1; break; case "1": $new_index = ++$i; break; } for($i = 0; $i < (sizeof($full) - 1); $i++) { $new_file = $hist_dir . $hist_file_prefix . ($new_index + $i); $fp = fopen($new_file, "a"); wait_write_lock($fp); fwrite($fp, implode($full[$i], "")); release_lock($fp); } $msgs = $full[sizeof($full) - 1]; return $msgs; } function validate_message($message, $allowed_tags) { $message = trim($message); //some fun :) $message = ereg_replace("ignor[^a-zA-Z]*", "igno-what? © Wol ", $message); $message = rawurlencode(nl2br(htmlspecialchars($message))); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($allowed_tags); $i++) { $message = str_replace( rawurlencode(htmlspecialchars($allowed_tags[$i])), $allowed_tags[$i], $message ); } return $message; } // validate_message($message, $allowed_tags) function write_message($msg_file, $usr_file, $user = "Anonym", $text = "", $time = 0, $old_messages_folder, $max_msgs_in_one_file, $min_msgs_in_board, $hist_file_prefix, $allowed_tags, $use_db = 0, $db_conn = 0) { if (($time == 0) || !ereg("^[0-9]*$", $time)) $time = time(); $text = validate_message($text, $allowed_tags); if (!$use_db) { // Use files $user = rawurlencode($user); if ($text[0] == '*') // this is used as the deleted flag prefix $text = " " . $text; $new_msg = "$time:$user:$text\n"; $msgs = file($msg_file); $msgs[] = $new_msg; if (need_to_split($msgs, $max_msgs_in_one_file, $min_msgs_in_board)) { $fp = fopen($msg_file, "w"); wait_write_lock($fp); sort($msgs); $msgs = split_messages_to_more_files( $msgs, $max_msgs_in_one_file, $min_msgs_in_board, $old_messages_folder, $hist_file_prefix, 0 ); $msgs = implode($msgs, ""); if (trim($msgs) == "") $msgs = ""; fwrite($fp, $msgs); } else { unset($msgs); $fp = fopen($msg_file, "a"); wait_write_lock($fp); fwrite($fp, $new_msg); } release_lock($fp); fclose($fp); return 1; } else { // Use DB // $msg_file stores Message Table name if (!$db_conn) return false; // get the authors id $sql = sprintf("SELECT id FROM %s WHERE nick=%s", $usr_file, $db_conn->quote($user)); $author_id = $db_conn->getOne($sql); if (DB::isError($author_id)) return false; /* $row = $res->fetchRow(); $res->free(); $author_id = $row["id"]; */ $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (author_id, created, text) VALUES " . "(%s, sysdate(), %s)", $msg_file, $db_conn->quote($author_id), $db_conn->quote($text)); $res = $db_conn->query($sql); return !(DB::isError($res)); } } function delete_message($msg_file, $usr_file, $user, $time, $pass, $use_virtual_delete, $use_db = 0, $db_conn = 0) { if (!$use_db) { // Use files $found = false; $i = 0; $fp = fopen($usr_file, "r"); wait_read_lock($fp); $p = file($usr_file); release_lock($fp); if ($user != "") { while ((!$found) && ($i < sizeof($p))) { if ($user == get_user($p[$i], 0)) $found = true; $i++; }; } else $found = true; if (!$found) return 1; if (!(($user == "") && ($pass == ""))) if (get_pass($p[--$i]) != md5($pass)) return 2; $fp = fopen($msg_file, "r"); wait_read_lock($fp); $f = file($msg_file); $found = false; $i = 0; while (!$found && ($i < sizeof($f))) { if (get_user($f[$i], 1) == $user && get_time($f[$i]) == $time) $found = true; $i++; } if (!$found) return 3; $i--; if ($use_virtual_delete) { // if already marked as deleted then delete it really if (ereg("[^:]*:[^:]*:\*.*", $f[$i], $regs)) $f[$i] = $f[sizeof($f) - 1]; // if not marked, mark it :) else $f[$i] = ereg_replace("([^:]*:[^:]*:)(.*)", "\\1*\\2", $f[$i]); } else { if (sizeof($f) > 0) { $f[$i] = $f[sizeof($f) - 1]; } else $f = array(); } // we supppose the array to be sorted (sorting while insert) //sort($f); release_lock($fp); $fp = fopen($msg_file, "w"); wait_write_lock($fp); if (is_array($f)) fwrite($fp, trim(implode($f, "")) . "\n"); else if (trim($f) != "") fwrite($fp, trim($f) . "\n"); release_lock($fp); fclose($fp); return 0; } else { // Use DB if (!$db_conn) return false; $pass = md5($pass); $time = date("YmdHis", $time); $sql = sprintf("SELECT id FROM %s WHERE nick=%s AND pass=%s", $usr_file, $db_conn->quote($user), $db_conn->quote($pass)); $author_id = $db_conn->getOne($sql); if (DB::isError($author_id)) return 2; // wrong password (or no such user) switch($use_virtual_delete) { case true: $sql = sprintf("SELECT id FROM %s WHERE flags=1 AND author_id=%s " . "AND created=%s", $msg_file, $db_conn->quote($author_id), $db_conn->quote($time)); $res = $db_conn->query($sql); if (DB::isError($res)) return false; if ($res->numRows() == 0) { $res->free(); $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET created=%s, deleted=sysdate(), " . "flags=1 WHERE author_id = %s AND created=%s", $msg_file, $db_conn->quote($time), $db_conn->quote($author_id), $db_conn->quote($time)); break; } // else continue to hard delete case false: $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE author_id=%s AND created=%s", $msg_file, $db_conn->quote($author_id), $db_conn->quote($time)); } //echo "!@#$sql#@!"; $res = $db_conn->query($sql); if (DB::isError($res)) return 4; // unknown error (or No such message) else return 0; } } function show_data_form($user_file, $self, $nick, $message, $style, $WB_name, $autorefresh, $pagesize, $use_db = 0, $db_conn = 0) { // TODO !!!!!! global $headframe; global $bodyframe; global $show_body; global $frameset; ?>

Current time is .
" target=""> "; else echo "Board /"; ?>
> ">New nick
Autorefresh time: Page size: " target=_top>Switch to frames
Messages " . ($firstmsg + 1) . "-" . ($lastmsg + 1) . " of $nummsgs
"; // REWIND to begin if ($firstmsg == 0) echo "<<"; else echo "<<"; echo " "; // PREVIOUS PAGE if ($firstmsg == 0) echo "<"; else echo "<"; echo " "; // OTHER PAGES for ($i = 1; $i <= $lastpage; $i++) { echo ($i == $currentpage) ? "$i " : "" . $i . " "; } // NEXT PAGE if ($lastmsg >= ($nummsgs - 1)) echo ">"; else echo ">"; echo " "; // REWIND PAGE to end if ($lastmsg >= ($nummsgs - 1)) echo ">>"; else echo ">>"; echo "\n"; } // show_page_walk($currentpage, $pagesize, $nummsgs, $firstmsg, $lastmsg) function show_nonrefresh_head() { global $WB_name, $WB_version; ?> <?echo "$WB_name v$WB_version"?> Delete message

"; echo "\n
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\n\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\n\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\n\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "
Message No.:
\n"; echo "
\n"; } // show_delete_dialog($nick, $time) function show_createuser_dialog($newnick, $email) { global $self; echo "\n
Create new user

"; echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\t\n\t\t\n"; echo "\t\n\t\n"; echo "\t\n\t\n"; echo "\t\n\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n
New Nick:
\n"; } // show_createuser_dialog($newnick, $email) function show_message($message, $style = 0) { global $self; global $headframe; switch($style) { case 1: // Chat message line echo ""; echo "" . format_time($message["time"], 1) . ""; if ($message["email"] != "") echo "" . $message["name"] . ""; else echo "" . $message["name"]; echo ":" . $message["message"]; echo "\n"; break; default: // Board message style // remark this /* to a //* and the modes will switch /* echo ""; if ($message["email"] != "") echo "\n"; echo $message["name"] . "\n"; echo "\t" . format_time($message["time"]) . ""; echo "delete\n"; echo ""; echo "\t" . $message["message"] . "\n"; echo "\n"; /*/ echo ""; if ($message["email"] != "") echo "\n"; echo $message["name"] . "\n"; echo "" . format_time($message["time"]) . ""; echo " delete\n"; echo "reply\n"; echo ""; echo "\t" . $message["message"] . "\n"; echo "\n"; //*/ break; } } // show_message($message, $style = 0) function show_messages($message_file, $user_file, $page, $pagesize, $msg_style = 0, $show_all = 0, $use_db = 0, $db_conn = 0) { $messages = read_messages($message_file, $user_file, $show_all, $use_db, $db_conn); if (!good($messages)) $messages = array(); $n = sizeof($messages); global $self; if ($n <= 0) { echo "
No messages YeT !
"; } else { if ($page < 1) $page = 1; if ($page >= ($n / $pagesize)) $page = ceil($n / $pagesize); $first = $pagesize * ($page - 1); $last = ($pagesize * $page) - 1; if ($first < 0) $first = 0; if ($first > $n) $first = $n - 1; if ($last > ($n - 1)) $last = $n - 1; if ($last < $first) $last = $first; show_page_walk($page, $pagesize, $n, $first, $last); echo ""; for ($i = $first; $i <= $last; $i++) { show_message($messages[sizeof($messages) - 1 - $i], $msg_style); } echo "
"; show_page_walk($page, $pagesize, $n, $first, $last); } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // /////////// THIS IS MAIN FUNCTION ///////////// // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULTS if (!good($self)) $self = $PHP_SELF; if ($strip_slashes) { $message = stripslashes($message); $nick = stripslashes($nick); $pass = stripslashes($pass); $header = stripslashes($header); $body = stripslashes($body); $bodyframe = stripslashes($bodyframe); $headerframe = stripslashes($headerframe); $disablepart = stripslashes($disablepart); $newnick = stripslashes($newnick); } settype($pagesize, integer); if ($pagesize < 10) $pagesize = 50; settype($autorefresh, integer); if ($autorefresh < 10) $autorefresh = 300; if (!good($disablepart) || ($disablepart > 3) || ($disablepart < 0)) $disablepart = 0; if (!good($headframe)) $headframe = $DEFAULT_HEAD_FRAME; if (!good($bodyframe)) $bodyframe = $DEFAULT_BODY_FRAME; switch ($disablepart) { case 0: $show_body = true; $show_head = true; break; case 1: $show_head = true; $show_body = false; break; case 2: $show_head = false; $show_body = true; break; case 3: $show_body = false; $show_head = false; break; } if (!good($page)) $page = 0; if (!isset($nick) && good($newnick)) $nick = $newnick; if (!good($mail)) $mail = get_email($nick); if (good($archive)) $hist_file_prefix = $archive; if (good($archive_no) && !$use_db) $message_file = $old_messages_folder . $hist_file_prefix . $archive_no; // check for superuser view if (($nick == $root_name) && (md5($pass) == $root_md5_password)) $superuser = 1; else $superuser = 0; //header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); //header ("Pragma: no-cache"); if ($use_db) { require_once "DB.php"; $db_handle = DB::connect("mysql://$db_user:$db_pass" . "@$db_host/$db_database"); if (DB::isError($db_handle)) { echo $db_handle->getMessage(); $db_handle = 0; $use_db = 0; //exit; } if ($use_db) { $db_handle->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $user_file = $db_user_table; $message_file = $db_message_table; } } // Insert quoted REPLY TO message if (good($reply_to)) { $pivot = strrpos($reply_to, "#"); if (!($pivot === false)) { $tmp_name = substr($reply_to, 0, $pivot); $tmp_time = substr($reply_to, $pivot + 1); $messages = read_messages($message_file, $user_file, $superuser, $use_db, $db_conn); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($messages); $i++) { if (($messages[$i]["time"] == $tmp_time) && ($messages[$i]["name"] == $tmp_name)){ $found = true; break; } } if ($found) { $tmp_msg = create_reply($messages[$i]); if (good($message)) { $tmp_msg .= $message; } $message = $tmp_msg; $message = strip_tags($message); } } } // CREATE NEW USER if ($createuser) { $mails = get_emails($user_file, $use_db, $db_handle); if ((!($mails === false)) && good($newnick) && ($mails[$newnick] == "") && good($createok) && ($createok == 1)) { if (write_mail($user_file, $newnick, $mail, $pass, $use_db, $db_handle)) ; // something failed, ignoring for now } else { show_nonrefresh_head(); show_createuser_dialog($newnick, $email); $show_head = false; $show_body = false; } } // WRITE MESSAGE TO DB if (good($message) && good($submit_type) && $submit_type == "Send") { if (write_message($message_file, $user_file, $nick, $message, 0, $old_messages_folder, $max_msgs_in_one_file, $min_msgs_in_board, $hist_file_prefix, $allowed_tags, $use_db, $db_handle)) ; // something failed, ignoring for now $message = ""; } // DELETE MESSAGE FROM DB if (good($time)) { if (good($deleteok) && ($deleteok == 1)){ switch(delete_message($message_file, $user_file, $nick, $time, $pass, $use_virtual_delete, $use_db, $db_handle)) { case 0: // All OK // echo "
Message deleted succesfully
\n"; break; case 1: // No such user // echo "
Error while deleting: There is no such user!
\n"; break; case 2: // Wrong password // echo "
Error while deleting: Wrong password!
\n"; break; case 3: // No such message // echo "
Error while deleting: No such message!
\n"; break; default:// Unknown error // echo "
Fatal Error while deleting: unknown error code!

\n"; break; } } else { show_nonrefresh_head(); show_delete_dialog($nick, $time); $show_body = false; $show_head = false; } } // We don't want to show body, when other form is shown ?> <?echo "$WB_name v$WB_version"?> \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; $show_body = false; $show_head = false; } if ($show_head) { ?> \n"; ?> disconnect(); } ?>