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File: [Platon] / doc / diplomova-praca-rajo / images / entropy-alpha-0.1_beta-0.3_speed-0.gpi (download)

Revision 1.1, Thu Jul 24 17:48:57 2003 UTC (20 years, 9 months ago) by rajo

Diploma Thesis of Lubomir Host.
Title: Metoda Monte Carlo vo fyzike nizkoteplotnej plazmy. (Slovak language)



#set terminal postscript enhanced
#set output ""

#set terminal postscript eps enhanced 16
set terminal postscript eps enhanced 30
set output "entropy-alpha-0.1_beta-0.3_speed-0.eps"

#@ set multiplot
#@ set origin
set grid
set rmargin 1
set lmargin 8
#@ set format y "%2.2f"
#@ lambda = 3e-7
#@ acc    = 1e10
#@ Nt     = 121
#@ Nx     = 100
#@ f_max_x          = 5.000000
#@ f_max_v          = 5.000000
#@ V         = sqrt(lambda * acc)
#@ fi_norm   =   Nx / (f_max_v * sqrt(2/pi))
#@ v_norm(x) = x / V
#@ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#@ #     +-----+  +-----+
#@ #     |     |  |     |
#@ #     +-----+  +-----+
#@ #     +-----+  +-----+
#@ #     |  X  |  |     |
#@ #     +-----+  +-----+
#@ set origin 0.0,0.0
#@ set size 0.5,0.5
#@ set key bottom
set label "-{/Symbol S}_i {/Symbol f}_i ln{/Symbol f}_i({/Symbol t})" at 1.5,1.295

set format y "%2.2f"

set xlabel "{/Symbol t}\n a)"
set ylabel "S({/Symbol t})"

plot [][1.26:] "distrib-N-5e5_T-300_alpha-0.1_beta-0.3_speed-0.ENTROPY.dat"  using 2:3 \
        notitle with lines

#@ set nolabel
#@ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#@ #     +-----+  +-----+
#@ #     |     |  |     |
#@ #     +-----+  +-----+
#@ #     +-----+  +-----+
#@ #     |     |  |  X  |
#@ #     +-----+  +-----+
#@ set origin 0.5,0.0
#@ set size 0.5,0.5
#@ set lmargin 9
#@ set rmargin 0
#@ set key top
#@ #set ytics 0.005
#@ set xlabel "{/Symbol a}\n b)"
#@ set ylabel "v_{drift} [m.s^{-1}]"
#@ set nolabel
#@ plot [][] \
#@     "distrib-N-5e5_T-300_alpha-0.1_beta-0.3_speed-0.dat" \
#@     using (v_norm($6)):(fi_norm * $7 ) title "MC" with l 1

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