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File: [Platon] / doc / diplomova-praca-rajo / images / slide-zavislost-vdrift-E-normal-model.gpi (download)

Revision 1.2, Sun Jan 16 15:01:31 2005 UTC (19 years, 3 months ago) by rajo

Changes since 1.1: +2 -2 lines

Fix: gnuplot 4.0 has different syntax (incompatible with gnuplot 3.7.x)
Change lines from:
    set linestyle 1 linetype 7 linewidth 1
    set line style 1 linetype 7 linewidth 1



#set terminal postscript enhanced
#set output ""
set terminal postscript eps enhanced 24
set output "slide-zavislost-vdrift-E-normal-model.eps"

set line style 1 linetype 7 linewidth 1
set line style 2 linetype 1 linewidth 3

set mytics 2
set mxtics 2

set format y "%2.2f"

set lmargin 9
set rmargin 2
set xlabel "{/Symbol a}"
set ylabel "v_{drift} [m.s^{-1}]"

set logscale xy
set grid
set key bottom samplen 1
set pointsize 2

set xtics ("10^{-4}" 1e-4, "10^{-3}" 1e-3, "10^{-2}" 1e-2, "10^{-1}" 1e-1, "1" 1, "10^1" 10, "10^2" 1e2 )
set ytics ("10^4" 1e4, "10^3" 1e3, "10^{-2}" 1e-2, "10^{-1}" 1e-1, "10^0" 1, "10^1" 10, "10^2" 1e2 )

# fit [1e-4:1e-2] [] f(x) "zavislost-vdrift-E_T-300-normal-model.dat" using 1:2 via a; replot
# a               = 0.667449         +/- 0.002494     (0.3736%)
# fit [1e-4:1e-3] [] f(x) "zavislost-vdrift-E_T-300-normal-model.dat" using 1:2 via a; replot
# a               = 0.653661         +/- 0.002711     (0.4147%)
# fit [1e-3:1e-2] [] f(x) "zavislost-vdrift-E_T-300-normal-model.dat" using 1:2 via a; replot
# a               = 0.668264         +/- 0.002686     (0.4019%)

k = 891.053540967816
a = 0.668264

plot [][1:1e4] \
    "zavislost-vdrift-E_T-300-normal-model.dat" using 1:2 title "MC" with points 1, \
    k * sqrt(x) title "~E^{0.50}" with lines 2, \
    k * x**a title "~E^{0.67}" linetype 1

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