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File: [Platon] / doc / diplomova-praca-rajo / images / slide-zavislost-vdrift-E_T-0.gpi (download)

Revision 1.1, Thu Jul 24 17:48:57 2003 UTC (20 years, 9 months ago) by rajo

Diploma Thesis of Lubomir Host.
Title: Metoda Monte Carlo vo fyzike nizkoteplotnej plazmy. (Slovak language)



#set terminal postscript enhanced
#set output ""
set terminal postscript eps enhanced 26
set output "slide-zavislost-vdrift-E_T-0.eps"

set grid
set logscale xy
set key left
set lmargin 9
set rmargin 2

set pointsize 1.4

set xlabel "E [V.m^{-1}]"
set ylabel "v_{drift} [m.s^{-1}]"

set xtics ( \
"10^0" 1e0, \
"10^3" 1e3, \
"10^6" 1e6, \
"10^9" 1e9, \
"10^{12}" 1e12, \
"10^{15}" 1e15, \
"10^{18}" 1e18, \
"10^{21}" 1e21, \
"10^{24}" 1e24)

set ytics ( \
"10^0" 1e0, \
"10^1" 1e1, \
"10^2" 1e2, \
"10^3" 1e3, \
"10^4" 1e4, \
"10^6" 1e6, \
"10^8" 1e8)

q        = 1.602e-19        # naboj e-
m_u        = 1.6605387E-27    # atomic mass constant [kg]
m        = 4 * m_u        # helium
n_g        = 2.7e25        # koncentracia za normalnych podmienok
lambda  = 3e-7          # str. volna draha

# prepocita a[m.s^-2] na E[Td]:  1 Td = 10^-21 V.m^-1
E_Td(x)    = m * x / q / n_g / 1e-21

# E vo V.m^-1
E_Vm(x)    = m * x / q

set key left samplen 1

plot [1e0:1e9][] \
    "zavislost-vdrift-E_T-0.dat" using (E_Vm($2)):7 title "MC" with p 2, \
    sqrt(2 / pi * lambda * x * q / m) title "teoret." with l 1

set nomultiplot

#pause -1

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