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File: [Platon] / phpMyEdit / extensions / phpMyEdit-xstandard.class.php (download)

Revision 1.4, Fri Jan 26 11:24:26 2007 UTC (17 years, 2 months ago) by nepto

Changes since 1.3: +17 -3 lines

Put params code also to change field routine


 * phpMyEdit - instant MySQL table editor and code generator
 * extensions/phpMyEdit-xstandard.class.php - phpMyEdit Xstandard extension
 * ____________________________________________________________
 * Developed by Ondrej Jombik <>
 * Copyright (c) 2006 Platon Group,
 * All rights reserved.
 * See README file for more information about this software.
 * See COPYING file for license information.
 * Download the latest version from

/* $Platon: phpMyEdit/extensions/phpMyEdit-xstandard.class.php,v 1.3 2007-01-26 11:20:13 nepto Exp $ */

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../phpMyEdit.class.php';

class phpMyEdit_xstandard extends phpMyEdit
    function form_begin() /* {{{ */
        $page_name = htmlspecialchars($this->page_name);
        if ($this->add_operation() || $this->change_operation() || $this->copy_operation()
                || $this->view_operation() || $this->delete_operation()) {
            $field_to_tab = array();
            for ($tab = $k = $this->cur_tab = 0; $k < $this->num_fds; $k++) {
                if (isset($this->fdd[$k]['tab'])) {
                    if ($tab == 0 && $k > 0) {
                        $this->tabs[0] = 'PMEtab0';
                        $this->cur_tab = 1;
                    if (is_array($this->fdd[$k]['tab'])) {
                        $this->tabs[$tab] = @$this->fdd[$k]['tab']['name'];
                        $this->fdd[$k]['tab']['default'] && $this->cur_tab = $tab;
                    } else {
                        $this->tabs[$tab] = @$this->fdd[$k]['tab'];
                $field_to_tab[$k] = max(0, $tab - 1);
            if (preg_match('/^'.$this->dhtml['prefix'].'tab(\d+)$/', $this->get_sys_cgi_var('cur_tab'), $parts)) {
                $this->cur_tab = $parts[1];
            if ($this->tabs_enabled()) {
                // initial TAB styles
                echo '<style type="text/css" media="screen">',"\n";
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->tabs); $i++) {
                    echo '    #'.$this->dhtml['prefix'].'tab',$i,' { display: ';
                    echo (($i == $this->cur_tab || $this->tabs[$i] == 'PMEtab0' ) ? 'block' : 'none') ,'; }',"\n";
                echo '</style>',"\n";
                // TAB javascripts
                echo '<script type="text/javascript"><!--',"\n\n";
                $css_class_name1 = $this->getCSSclass('tab', $position);
                $css_class_name2 = $this->getCSSclass('tab-selected', $position);
                echo 'var '.$this->js['prefix'].'cur_tab  = "'.$this->dhtml['prefix'].'tab',$this->cur_tab,'";

function '.$this->js['prefix'].'show_tab(tab_name)
                if ($this->nav_up()) {
                    echo '
    document.getElementById('.$this->js['prefix'].'cur_tab+"_up_label").className = "',$css_class_name1,'";
    document.getElementById('.$this->js['prefix'].'cur_tab+"_up_link").className = "',$css_class_name1,'";
    document.getElementById(tab_name+"_up_label").className = "',$css_class_name2,'";
    document.getElementById(tab_name+"_up_link").className = "',$css_class_name2,'";';
                if ($this->nav_down()) {
                    echo '
    document.getElementById('.$this->js['prefix'].'cur_tab+"_down_label").className = "',$css_class_name1,'";
    document.getElementById('.$this->js['prefix'].'cur_tab+"_down_link").className = "',$css_class_name1,'";
    document.getElementById(tab_name+"_down_label").className = "',$css_class_name2,'";
    document.getElementById(tab_name+"_down_link").className = "',$css_class_name2,'";';
                echo '
    document.getElementById('.$this->js['prefix'].'cur_tab).style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById(tab_name).style.display = "block";
    '.$this->js['prefix'].'cur_tab = tab_name;
    document.'.$this->cgi['prefix']['sys'].'form.'.$this->cgi['prefix']['sys'].'cur_tab.value = tab_name;
                echo '// --></script>', "\n";

        if ($this->add_operation() || $this->change_operation() || $this->copy_operation()) {
            $first_required = true;
            for ($k = 0; $k < $this->num_fds; $k++) {
                if ($this->displayed[$k] && ! $this->readonly($k) && ! $this->hidden($k)
                        && ($this->fdd[$k]['js']['required'] || isset($this->fdd[$k]['js']['regexp'])
                            /* <XSTANDARD> */
                            || isset($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['xstandard'])
                            /* </XSTANDARD> */
                            )) {
                    if ($first_required) {
                         $first_required = false;
                        echo '<script type="text/javascript"><!--',"\n";
                        echo '
function '.$this->js['prefix'].'trim(str)
    while (str.substring(0, 1) == " "
            || str.substring(0, 1) == "\\n"
            || str.substring(0, 1) == "\\r")
        str = str.substring(1, str.length);
    while (str.substring(str.length - 1, str.length) == " "
            || str.substring(str.length - 1, str.length) == "\\n"
            || str.substring(str.length - 1, str.length) == "\\r")
        str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
    return str;

function '.$this->js['prefix'].'form_control(theForm)
                    if ($this->col_has_values($k)) {
                        $condition = 'theForm.'.$this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k].'.selectedIndex == -1';
                        $multiple  = $this->col_has_multiple_select($k);
                    } else {
                        $condition = '';
                        $multiple  = false;
                        if ($this->fdd[$k]['js']['required']) {
                            $condition = $this->js['prefix'].'trim(theForm.'.$this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k].'.value) == ""';
                        if (isset($this->fdd[$k]['js']['regexp'])) {
                            $condition .= (strlen($condition) > 0 ? ' || ' : '');
                            $condition .= sprintf('!(%s.test('.$this->js['prefix'].'trim(theForm.%s.value)))',
                                    $this->fdd[$k]['js']['regexp'], $this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k]);
                        /* <XSTANDARD> */
                        if ($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['xstandard']) {
                            $condition = '0';
                            echo '
    document.getElementById(\''.$this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k].'_xstandard\').EscapeUnicode = true;
    document.getElementById(\''.$this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k].'\').value = document.getElementById(\''.$this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k].'_xstandard\').value;
                        /* </XSTANDARD> */

                    /* Multiple selects have their name like ``name[]''.
                       It is not possible to work with them directly, because
             [].something will result into JavaScript
                       syntax error. Following search algorithm is provided
                       as a workaround for this.
                    if ($multiple) {
                        echo '
    multiple_select = null;
    for (i = 0; i < theForm.length; i++) {
        if (theForm.elements[i].name == "',$this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k],'[]") {
            multiple_select = theForm.elements[i];
    if (multiple_select != null && multiple_select.selectedIndex == -1) {';
                    } else {
                        echo '
    if (',$condition,') {';
                    echo '
                    if (isset($this->fdd[$k]['js']['hint'])) {
                        echo htmlspecialchars($this->fdd[$k]['js']['hint']);
                    } else {
                        echo $this->labels['Please enter'],' ',$this->fdd[$k]['name'],'.';
                    echo '");';
                    if ($this->tabs_enabled() && $field_to_tab[$k] >= $this->cur_tab) {
                        echo '
                    echo '
        return false;
            if (! $first_required) {
                echo '
    return true;
                echo '// --></script>', "\n";

        if ($this->filter_operation()) {
                echo '<script type="text/javascript"><!--',"\n";
                echo '
function '.$this->js['prefix'].'filter_handler(theForm, theEvent)
    var pressed_key = null;
    if (theEvent.which) {
        pressed_key = theEvent.which;
    } else {
        pressed_key = theEvent.keyCode;
    if (pressed_key == 13) { // enter pressed
        return false;
    return true;
                echo '// --></script>', "\n";

        if ($this->display['form']) {
            echo '<form class="',$this->getCSSclass('form'),'" method="post"';
            echo ' action="',$page_name,'" name="'.$this->cgi['prefix']['sys'].'form">',"\n";
        return true;
    } /* }}} */

    function display_add_record() /* {{{ */
        for ($tab = 0, $k = 0; $k < $this->num_fds; $k++) {
            if (isset($this->fdd[$k]['tab']) && $this->tabs_enabled() && $k > 0) {
                echo '</table>',"\n";
                echo '</div>',"\n";
                echo '<div id="'.$this->dhtml['prefix'].'tab',$tab,'">',"\n";
                echo '<table class="',$this->getCSSclass('main'),'" summary="',$this->tb,'">',"\n";
            if (! $this->displayed[$k]) {
            if ($this->hidden($k)) {
                echo $this->htmlHiddenData($this->fds[$k], $this->fdd[$k]['default']);
            $css_postfix    = @$this->fdd[$k]['css']['postfix'];
            $css_class_name = $this->getCSSclass('input', null, 'next', $css_postfix);
            $escape            = isset($this->fdd[$k]['escape']) ? $this->fdd[$k]['escape'] : true;
            echo '<tr class="',$this->getCSSclass('row', null, true, $css_postfix),'">',"\n";
            echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('key', null, true, $css_postfix),'">';
            echo $this->fdd[$k]['name'],'</td>',"\n";
            echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('value', null, true, $css_postfix),'"';
            echo $this->getColAttributes($k),">\n";
            if ($this->col_has_values($k)) {
                $vals       = $this->set_values($k);
                $selected   = @$this->fdd[$k]['default'];
                $multiple   = $this->col_has_multiple($k);
                $readonly   = $this->readonly($k);
                $strip_tags = true;
                //$escape     = true;
                if ($this->col_has_checkboxes($k) || $this->col_has_radio_buttons($k)) {
                    echo $this->htmlRadioCheck($this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k],
                            $css_class_name, $vals, $selected, $multiple, $readonly,
                            $strip_tags, $escape);
                } else {
                    echo $this->htmlSelect($this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k],
                            $css_class_name, $vals, $selected, $multiple, $readonly,
                            $strip_tags, $escape);
            /* <XSTANDARD> */
            } elseif (isset ($this->fdd[$k]['textarea'])
                    && isset ($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['xstandard'])) {
                $name = $this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k];
                echo '<input type="hidden" name="',$name,'" id="',$name,'" />',"\n";
                echo '<object type="application/x-xstandard" id="',$name,'_xstandard"';
                $height = '300';  // default value
                $width  = '100%'; // default value
                $params = null;
                if (is_array($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['xstandard'])) {
                    foreach ($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['xstandard'] as $key => $val) {
                        if (! strcasecmp($key, 'height')) {
                            $height = $val;
                        } else if (! strcasecmp($key, 'width')) {
                            $width = $val;
                        } else {
                            $params .= '<param name="'.$key.'" value="'.$val.'" />'."\n";
                echo " width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" />\n$params";
                echo '</object>',"\n";
            /* </XSTANDARD> */
            } elseif (isset ($this->fdd[$k]['textarea'])) {
                echo '<textarea class="',$css_class_name,'" name="',$this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k],'"';
                echo ($this->readonly($k) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '');
                if (intval($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['rows']) > 0) {
                    echo ' rows="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['rows'],'"';
                if (intval($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['cols']) > 0) {
                    echo ' cols="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['cols'],'"';
                if (isset($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['wrap'])) {
                    echo ' wrap="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['wrap'],'"';
                } else {
                    echo ' wrap="virtual"';
                echo '>';
                if($escape) echo htmlspecialchars($this->fdd[$k]['default']);
                else echo $this->fdd[$k]['default'];
                echo '</textarea>',"\n";
            } elseif ($this->col_has_php($k)) {
                echo include($this->fdd[$k]['php']);
            } else {
                // Simple edit box required
                $size_ml_props = '';
                $maxlen = intval($this->fdd[$k]['maxlen']);
                $size   = isset($this->fdd[$k]['size']) ? $this->fdd[$k]['size'] : min($maxlen, 60); 
                $size   && $size_ml_props .= ' size="'.$size.'"';
                $maxlen && $size_ml_props .= ' maxlength="'.$maxlen.'"';
                echo '<input class="',$css_class_name,'" ';
                echo ($this->password($k) ? 'type="password"' : 'type="text"');
                echo ($this->readonly($k) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '');
                echo ' name="',$this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k],'"';
                echo $size_ml_props,' value="';
                if($escape) echo htmlspecialchars($this->fdd[$k]['default']);
                else echo $this->fdd[$k]['default'];
                echo '" />';
            echo '</td>',"\n";
            if ($this->guidance) {
                $css_class_name = $this->getCSSclass('help', null, true, $css_postfix);
                $cell_value     = $this->fdd[$k]['help'] ? $this->fdd[$k]['help'] : '&nbsp;';
                echo '<td class="',$css_class_name,'">',$cell_value,'</td>',"\n";
            echo '</tr>',"\n";
    } /* }}} */

    function display_change_field($row, $k) /* {{{ */ 
        $css_postfix    = @$this->fdd[$k]['css']['postfix'];
        $css_class_name = $this->getCSSclass('input', null, true, $css_postfix);
        $escape         = isset($this->fdd[$k]['escape']) ? $this->fdd[$k]['escape'] : true;
        echo '<td class="',$this->getCSSclass('value', null, true, $css_postfix),'"';
        echo $this->getColAttributes($k),">\n";
        if ($this->col_has_values($k)) {
            $vals       = $this->set_values($k);
            $multiple   = $this->col_has_multiple($k);
            $readonly   = $this->readonly($k);
            $strip_tags = true;
            //$escape     = true;
            if ($this->col_has_checkboxes($k) || $this->col_has_radio_buttons($k)) {
                echo $this->htmlRadioCheck($this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k],
                        $css_class_name, $vals, $row["qf$k"], $multiple, $readonly,
                        $strip_tags, $escape);
            } else {
                echo $this->htmlSelect($this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k],
                        $css_class_name, $vals, $row["qf$k"], $multiple, $readonly,
                        $strip_tags, $escape);
        /* <XSTANDARD> */
        } elseif (isset ($this->fdd[$k]['textarea'])
                && isset ($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['xstandard'])) {
            $name = $this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k];
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="',$name,'" id="',$name,'" />',"\n";
            echo '<object type="application/x-xstandard" id="',$name,'_xstandard"';
            $height = '300';  // default value
            $width  = '100%'; // default value
            $params = null;
            if (is_array($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['xstandard'])) {
                foreach ($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['xstandard'] as $key => $val) {
                    if (! strcasecmp($key, 'height')) {
                        $height = $val;
                    } else if (! strcasecmp($key, 'width')) {
                        $width = $val;
                    } else {
                        $params .= '<param name="'.$key.'" value="'.$val.'" />'."\n";
            echo " width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" />\n$params";
            echo '<param name="Value" value="',htmlspecialchars($row["qf$k"]),'" />',"\n";
            echo '</object>',"\n";
        /* </XSTANDARD> */
        } elseif (isset($this->fdd[$k]['textarea'])) {
            echo '<textarea class="',$css_class_name,'" name="',$this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k],'"';
            echo ($this->readonly($k) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '');
            if (intval($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['rows']) > 0) {
                echo ' rows="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['rows'],'"';
            if (intval($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['cols']) > 0) {
                echo ' cols="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['cols'],'"';
            if (isset($this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['wrap'])) {
                echo ' wrap="',$this->fdd[$k]['textarea']['wrap'],'"';
            } else {
                echo ' wrap="virtual"';
            echo '>';
            if($escape) echo htmlspecialchars($row["qf$k"]);
            else echo $row["qf$k"];
            echo '</textarea>',"\n";
        } elseif ($this->col_has_php($k)) {
            echo include($this->fdd[$k]['php']);
        } else {
            $size_ml_props = '';
            $maxlen = intval($this->fdd[$k]['maxlen']);
            $size   = isset($this->fdd[$k]['size']) ? $this->fdd[$k]['size'] : min($maxlen, 60); 
            $size   && $size_ml_props .= ' size="'.$size.'"';
            $maxlen && $size_ml_props .= ' maxlength="'.$maxlen.'"';
            echo '<input class="',$css_class_name,'" type="text" ';
            echo ($this->readonly($k) ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : '');
            echo 'name="',$this->cgi['prefix']['data'].$this->fds[$k],'" value="';
            if($escape) echo htmlspecialchars($row["qf$k"]);
            else echo $row["qf$k"];
            echo '" />',"\n";
        echo '</td>',"\n";
    } /* }}} */


/* Modeline for ViM {{{
 * vim: set ts=4:
 * vim600: fdm=marker fdl=0 fdc=0:
 * }}} */


Platon Group <>
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