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File: [Platon] / phpMyEdit / lang / (download)

Revision 1.15, Mon Dec 27 20:14:29 2004 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by nepto

Changes since 1.14: +2 -2 lines

Changed dates in header from DD/MM/YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD syntax.


 * phpMyEdit language file
 * language: italian (standard)
 * encoding: iso-8859-1
 * date: 2002-02, 2002-11-07, 2003-04-13, 2004-03-31
 * authors:
 *   Dario <>
 *   Keatch <>

/* $Platon: phpMyEdit/lang/,v 1.14 2004/03/31 10:06:52 nepto Exp $ */

return Array(
        'Add'           =>'Aggiungi',
        'Copy'          =>'Copia',
        'Change'        =>'Modifica',
        'Delete'        =>'Cancella',
        'View'          =>'Visualizza',
        'Prev'          =>'Precedente',
        'Next'          =>'Seguente',
        'First'         =>'Prima',
        'Last'          =>'Ultima',
        'Go to'         =>'Vai a',
        'Page'          =>'Pagina',
        'Records'       =>'Voci',
        'Save'          =>'Salva',
        'More'          =>'Salva & Continua',
        'Apply'         =>'Applica', 
        'Cancel'        =>'Annulla',
        'Search'        =>'Cerca',
        'Hide'          =>'Nascondi',
        'Clear'         =>'Svuota',
        'Query'         =>'Chiedi',    
        'Current Query'    =>'Richiesta Corrente', 
        'Sorted By'     =>'Ordinato per',
        'ascending'     =>'crescente',
        'descending'    =>'decrescente',
        'hidden'        =>'nascosto',
        'of'            =>'/',        
        'record added'  =>'voce aggiunta',
        'record changed'=>'voce modificata',
        'record deleted'=>'voce eliminata',
        'Please enter'  =>'Si prega di riempire il campo: ',
        'months'    => Array(
        // phpMyEdit-report
        'Make report'            => 'Genera report',
        'Select fields'            => 'Seleziona campi',
        'Records per screen'    => 'Record per schermata',


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