We love the work. And this shows in our portfolio. But it’s true: we’re a Miami video production company that absolutely loves this stuff. Film making. Advertising. Branding. Charcuterie. The Miami Heat. Hang out with us for a moment on set and you’ll pick up on it right away.
We live to crush. Unlike many video production companies, we’re not content just to take a check and call it a day. We want our clients to be flabbergasted, bamboozled, mouth agape the clutches of awe, and we work towards whatever close approximation of that we can muster. We do also take checks.
We’re active, thoughtful partners. We will accept the term “vendor” only if we must, though we insist it sells us short. But we’re more than just a video production company. We’re thinking about the bigger picture of the brand, we’re thinking about your client experience. We’re thinking about how to make your lives easier and your videos more impactful. Hell, we are probably overthinking this, right now. And the more you work with us, the more we start to anticipate your needs.
We’re elite. We dare you to find a video production company that can assemble a better team in Miami than ours. We double-dog dare you.
We’ve got the hive mind. Rather than corral a bunch of high-end mercenary strangers onto a set for three days, our company takes a different approach than a traditional video production company. We use the power of our decades-running team chemistry and overall lack of egos to run a smarter set that shoots better footage, faster than the Miami video production standard.
We’ve got it all in-house. In Miami video production, it’s a thing to have way too many vendors, for this and for that, from concept all the way through post. But we can handle all of that, on projects large and small. We’re like an agency, but for video. But we also love to work WITH agencies too. It’s complicated (not for you.) Either way, your budget will stretch further and you’ll have less headaches when it’s all under one roof.
We’re fun to work with. Sounds trivial? Not in Hour 11, 30 minutes away from going into OT, with your last talent still stuck in Miami traffic. Our company likes to treat people with respect and enjoy what we do, and we like our clients to have a great time with us. We think this should be the baseline, though we have heard that this alone makes us stand out in the Miami video production space.
Please visit: https://artexproductions.com/work/
Est-il obligatoire de domicilier son entreprise ?
Lorsqu'on lance une entreprise, l'une des questions qui se pose souvent est celle de la domiciliation. Est-il obligatoire de domicilier son entreprise ? La réponse à cette question dépend de plusieurs facteurs, tels que la nature de l'activité, la taille de l'entreprise, et les exigences légales en vigueur. Dans cet article, nous examinerons l'importance de la domiciliation d'une entreprise et les raisons pour lesquelles cela peut être obligatoire dans certains cas.
La domiciliation d'une entreprise se réfère à l'adresse administrative de son siège social. C'est à cette adresse que l'entreprise recevra son courrier officiel, et c'est également l'adresse qui figurera sur tous les documents légaux de l'entreprise. En Maroc, la domiciliation d'une entreprise peut être obligatoire dans certaines situations.
Les entreprises commerciales, par exemple, sont généralement tenues de déclarer une adresse de domiciliation lors de leur immatriculation. Cela permet aux autorités de suivre et de communiquer efficacement avec l'entreprise. De plus, la domiciliation peut également avoir des implications fiscales, car l'adresse de domiciliation peut déterminer la juridiction fiscale à laquelle l'entreprise est soumise.[quote="ACHRAF"]Yours feels fresh among all the articles. Good on you!