phpMyEdit-slide can create slideshow with ability to view and/or edit records.
Everytime is exactly one record shown. Record can be displayed in view or edit
mode. View mode looks like "view" functionality in normal phpMyEdit, change mode
looks like "change" functionality in normal phpMyEdit.
The only difference is that two buttons, Prev and
Next, are displayed in addition to common view/edit buttons to
provide ability of going to the next or previous record. This extension
purpously disable "add", "copy", "delete", and "table listing"
Here are configuration variables related to extension. All of these
phpMyEdit-slide options are optional.
$opts['ext']['rec'] | -- primary key value of record to display initially | $opts['ext']['next_disable'] | -- disable Next button | $opts['ext']['prev_disable'] | -- disable Prev button |
Following variables are not options, but they are used internally by
extension. They can be used for getting some information for example in
$opts['ext']['next'] | -- primary key value of next record | $opts['ext']['prev'] | -- primary key value of previous record |
To use this extension you have to include
extensions/phpMyEdit-slide.class.php file and call
new phpMyEdit_slide($opts) instead of common phpMyEdit class